
be.Macmillan is now Macmillan Orders! Create a new account to use our new website.

be.Macmillan is now Macmillan Orders! Create a new account to use our new website.

Macmillan Staff

Whatever role you do at Macmillan, and whatever activities you support, we have all the materials to help you with your work.

Thanking our supporters

Thanking our supporters

Browse our resources to let Macmillan supporters, volunteers and professionals know just how brilliant they are.

Corporate Partnerships

Corporate Partnerships

Materials to make our corporate partner’s fundraising events amazing.



Celebrate pride with Macmillan Merchandise.

Contactless merchandise

Contactless merchandise

Order QR code sticker sheets, window stickers, pop-up cards, lanyards and countertop displays for corporate partners, fundraisers and more.

Make materials for supporters

We offer supporters Editable PDFs to promote their own fundraising. For compliance reasons, QR codes on these materials are fixed and cannot be changed.

Supporter Care will also have access to Editable Word versions to create and send to supporters. Unique QR codes can be added to these materials and should only be used where there is a documented relationship with a supporter. These materials will be added to over the next few days.

How to order

Step 1

Create your account and log in

Step 2

Create your free order, you may need a budget code

Step 3

If applicable, your order will be approved within 4 days

Step 4

Your order is on its way!

Information and merchandise update

We have taken the difficult decision to reduce the number of information booklets we make available in print. Once the current stock of these titles run out they won’t be reprinted.

Our merchandise range is also currently being reviewed, meaning resources could be temporarily being out of stock.

Find out more

Need help with ordering?

Check our FAQs to see if we have the answer to your question.
If the approver for your budget region is leaving or absent, or if you require other further assistance, please email our order team:

Staff name badges

We use a different supplier to produce name badges so the process is a little different. Find out more here

Staff name badges