We hope you'll enjoy using our new Macmillan Orders website. We know you sometimes need a little help, particularly getting set up and started. On these pages you should find information on some of the issues that might come up and what to do about them.
Missing CAPTCHA token issue
We are aware of an issue with the current CAPTCHA and plan to replace it in the future. In the meantime, you can try the following solutions:
- Refresh the page and try again.
- Disable any ad blockers.
- Clear your browser cache and cookies.
- Use a different browser or update your current one.
- Check your internet connection.
If you previously have a be.Macmillan account as a Macmillan Professional that was created or used between the 1 September 2019 and the 29 August 2024 you will have received an e-mail inviting you to activate your new Macmillan Orders account.
If you do not receive this e-mail:
1. Please check to see if this e-mail is in your spam inbox.
2. Try creating a new account with the same e-mail address as your previous be.Macmillan account.
If you are still having issues please contact our Service Operations Support team via, so that they can make sure that we have the correct e-mail address for you in our Macmillan Professionals Database.
If you find that you cannot register as a Macmillan professional at all you will still be able to register as a "Health and Social Care Professional", so that you can continue to order our information resources for free.
If you created a be.Macmillan account as a Macmillan professional after the 29 August 2024 you will need to create a new Macmillan Orders account. Please reference the additional answers below regarding any difficulties you may have in doing so. on
We kindly ask that anyone who had not previously registered onto be.Macmillan (as a Macmillan professional) creates a new Macmillan Orders account.
Anyone who has not received an invitation to join the new Macmillan Orders site can still create an account online.
In most cases your account will have been created successfully.
Please first try logging in using the e-mail address and password you entered when you activated your account.
If this does not work, please try creating a new account with your preferred e-mail address and password.
We are only able to grant complete access to the Macmillan Orders website when we can verify someone's contact details against our Macmillan Professionals Database.
If you are unable to register as a Macmillan professional please contact your Macmillan relationship holder (your Partnership Manager, Partnership Quality Lead or engagement lead), so that they can ensure that we have all the relevant information for you in our database.
If you do not know who your Macmillan relationship holder is please contact our Service Operations Support team via, so that they can assist you instead.
Account management
We are only able to grant complete access to the Macmillan Orders website when we can verify someone's contact details against our Macmillan Professionals Database.
If you find that you no longer have access to our branded merchandise items please contact your Macmillan relationship holder (your Partnership Manager, Partnership Quality Lead, or engagement lead), so that they can ensure that we have all the relevant information for you in our database.
If you do not know who your Macmillan relationship holder is please contact our Service Operations Support team via, so that they can assist you instead.
Please e-mail so that we can change your Macmillan Orders account to reflect your status as a Macmillan professional.
When doing so please copy your Macmillan relationship holder (your Partnership Manager, Partnership Quality Lead, or engagement lead) into your e-mail, in case we encounter any issues when facilitating this change for you.
Click here to reset your account password.
Please e-mail us via so that we can change your Macmillan Orders account e-mail address for you.
Please note that if you are a Macmillan professional you will lose access to our branded merchandise items if your e-mail address has not also been updated in our Macmillan Professionals Database. Please e-mail our Service Operations Support team via so that they can facilitate this for you.
To request the deletion of your Macmillan Orders account, please contact our Information Governance team via using the email address of the account that you’d like to close.
If you choose to close your account you will no longer be able to order our pre-printed information resources and branded merchandise items.
Please note that deleting your account is final, so once it has been actioned you can't get it back. We do that for your security and to protect your private information. It can take up to a month for requests to be actioned, so please don’t worry if your account isn’t deleted straight away.
Please remember that if you change your mind you’ll need to register for a new account.
Order limits have been put in place on some of our items to help us manage demand for these resources as effectively as possible, and to reduce the possibility of items unexpectedly falling out of stock.
If you’ve added more items to your order than the order limit allows you will need to reduce the number of those items in your cart before being able to place your order.
If you order certain products we will require your order to be approved before it can be sent to you. This has been put in place to enable us to audit the use of these items, generally on account of the high cost to Macmillan to produce them.
All orders will be reviewed within four days of being submitted. If your order is not approved you will receive a notification advising you of this.
Unfortunately we are only able to grant access to our branded merchandise to registered Macmillan professionals. If you have been asked to order merchandise on behalf of colleagues who are Macmillan professionals, please ask your colleagues to order these resources through their own accounts. We apologise for any inconvenience this might cause.
All of our branded merchandise is provided for free to Macmillan professionals. The costs associated with these items is made public to remind users of the costs involved in making these items available - we ask that you are mindful of this when placing orders.
Please see our “Information resources list" for a spreadsheet of all of our current information resources, including the dates when they are next to due to be revised.
Unfortunately, we cannot offer our Macmillan Orders service to those outside of the UK, on account of regulations affecting our charitable covenants. Please, however, feel free to make use of any digital versions of our information resources, as well as the information available on the main website.
Our Cancer Information Development team may be able to produce Braille or large print versions of our booklets on a case-by-case basis. Please email with your request.
We can also translate up to two pages from the main Macmillan Cancer Support website. Please email any requests to
Our Macmillan Support Line also offers a free interpretation service where people can speak to us in their language. Just call 0808 808 00 00 and tell us, in English, the language you need.
Please feel free to recycle any booklets you have that you no longer need or that are out of date. All our booklets are printed on recyclable paper.
Thank you for considering returning unused or unneeded information items to us. If you have a large number of copies of a resource which are in good condition, and which you would like to return, please consider the following:
- Please first check that the printed information resources are not yet out of date. You can find the next review date for these on the back cover of each review (e.g. Next planned review July 2026).
- Please include a note in each parcel stating the full MAC code of each resource (e.g. MAC12161_E05_R) and its quantity (e.g. 20 copies), with "Return to stock" written somewhere on it.
We can only accept stock that is in-date, or up to a maximum of 6 months past the review date. In this instance, a resource listed as ‘Next planned review August 2024’ can only be returned until February 2025.
If you are unsure whether your extra stock is worth returning, please contact us at with details of the resource, including its title, MAC code and quantity.
Please note that Macmillan is unable to pay the costs of returning any stock.
Order management
If you have encountered an error message relating to “quantity errors” when trying to place an order this means that you are trying to order either:
- More stock of an item than we have available
- More stock of an item than our order limit for that item allows
Your cart summary will highlight any items affected by either of these issues. Please reduce the quantities of any affected items to be able to place your order.
We understand that you'll not always know precisely how much you'll be able to raise through your fundraising event.
We always ask for you to make sure your target is realistic and you’ll probably surprise yourself with what you’re able to achieve. For example if you had 20 people attend and they each donate £5 that’s £100 achieved! We’re here to support you every step of the way, and you can get in touch with us via any of our channels if you need extra support. In the meantime you can find lots of inspiration for fundraising on our website.
We're pleased to say that with the launch of Macmillan Orders you no longer need to order our information and merchandise items separately.
Please note that if your order contains both information and merchandise items, and for whatever reason your order is not approved, your whole order will be declined.
We apologise for any inconvenience this might accordingly cause.
Unfortunately we are unable to facilitate partial orders. If you have placed an order for items requiring approval alongside those that don't, and your order request is not approved, your whole order will be rejected. We kindly ask that in these instances you place another order exclusively for any items that don't require approval, should you still wish to receive these.
Most of our orders are despatched the day you receive an order confirmation e-mail. Once an order is despatched you will receive a despatch confirmation e-mail, which will contain a tracking link if your order is despatched via a trackable service.
If your order has been despatched as 2nd class post, we are unfortunately unable to track the delivery of this. Should you not receive your order within five business days, please re-order your items.
If you have had an unsuccessful delivery attempt for your order please check your order's tracking information for details of any further actions you can take.
We are unfortunately unable to provide much more information about the delivery of any orders other than that provided via the tracking links in our despatch confirmation e-mails.
Please note that our couriers can only guarantee delivery to central "Goods in" locations or post rooms at larger sites, such as hospitals. If you cannot find your order once you have received a delivery confirmation e-mail please check if a colleague or another individual has accepted delivery of your order for you before getting in touch.
Please ensure your delivery address includes as much information as possible, including a department or room or floor number where relevant.
If you have received the wrong items with your order, or find that some items are missing, please e-mail so that we can look into this for you. When detailing any items that you have received by mistake please include the full MAC code and quantity of these, so that we can include this information in our records.
Personalised materials
This function has been replaced with editable PDFs. You can find them under the Make your own product type.
Unfortunately we have had to remove the capacity to order our editable "Make" templates for printing as part of the launch of the new Macmillan Orders site.
We now offer editable PDFs that you can personalise and print yourself.
Unfortunately we have had to remove the option to add custom QR codes to our externally accessible "Make your own" designs.
All QR codes on these designs now link to Macmillan's general donation page.
If you are a Macmillan professional you can access our "Service Materials portal" to order business cards by following the below steps:
1. Click "Macmillan Professional" at the top of any Macmillan Orders page.
2. Scroll down and click "Order personalised materials" under "Personalised print to promote your service".
The Service Materials portal and the Macmillan Orders website are separate services, which use separate account systems.
As a result your password for your Service Materials portal account will not automatically match that for your Macmillan Orders account.
If you have not previously used the Service Materials portal you will need to register onto the portal when you use it for the first time.
Unfortunately we are unable to alter any of the fixed elements of our templates, including photography or headline text.
If you require materials to be sent to multiple addresses please place multiple orders as required.
Whenever you can we ask that you consolidate orders as much as possible, placing fewer orders for forwarding on as required. This helps us ensure that we can operate the Service Materials portal as cost-effectively as possible.
Please note that the Service Materials portal can only accept images in a .JPG or .JPEG format.
If you are having trouble uploading your logo, map or QR code you may need to change the format of your image.
On a Windows computer you can do this by opening your image and using the "Snipping Tool" to make a copy of it:
1. Locate and open your required image
2. Use the search bar to find and open the "Snipping Tool"
3. Click "New"
4. Drag the on-screen selection around your image
5. Click "File" and "Save As..." to save a copy of your image as a .JPG file.
We're sorry that you don't feel able to take advantage of our customisable templates. While we have designed these templates to be suitable for most services we understand that they will not meet everyone's needs.
Regrettably we in the Macmillan Orders team are unable to produce bespoke service promotion materials upon request.
If you feel that none of our templates are suitable for your needs please contact your Macmillan relationship holder (your Partnership Manager, Partnership Quality Lead or engagement lead) to ask if they can facilitate the production of bespoke materials for you.
Please note that we cannot guarantee that your relationship holder will be able to facilitate your request, and that it can take some time for bespoke materials to be created.
To request a reprint of a leaflet (or similar resource) that was created for
your service before the launch of our Service Materials portal in July 2023
please send a copy of the artwork for it in PDF format to so that we can facilitate printing this for you. In emailing us please also specify the number of copies to be printed, and provide us with your delivery address.
Please note that our capacity to reprint any materials will depend on whether they meet our current brand guidelines. We are also unable to make any amendments to any pre-existing materials when reprinting them.
Collection buckets and tins
When your order arrives you may notice the buckets or tins may not be brand new. This is because we’re trying to recycle and re-use as much as possible. If you feel they’re too shabby, please let us know and we’ll send you newer ones. The stickers and seals included are completely new.
All our buckets and tins are given unique barcodes to help keep track of them. You can help us with this by keeping a note of which bucket goes where if you give them to others. Same with the tins.
The problem is that occasionally a collection item goes missing, and that leaves us open to fraud. You can help us with this by quickly calling 0300 1000 200 if any of your collecting buckets or tins are either lost, stolen or go missing.
You can pay in the money at any NatWest, RBS,or Ulster Bank near you. Please call 0300 1000 200 and ask us to send you a special Macmillan paying slip so that you can include it with the money you pay in.
For electronic bank transfers, call us on the same number, and we’ll give you the account details and a unique reference code to quote at the time of the transfer.
Hold on to your buckets and tins for as long as you need them and, when you’ve finished fundraising or volunteering with us, please send them back so we can re-use or recycle them. Please use the following Bucket and Tin Returns Form to send them back to us. You'll need a label for every box you send. We're sorry we can't currently pay for returns and we can't accept returns on all merchandise.
For any questions about your delivery or the contents or quality of the items you received, please contact the Macmillan Orders team at
For everything else, please the contact our Supporter Care Hub on 0300 1000 200 or email us at
General queries
If you are a Macmillan professional and require access to the Macmillan logo or other brand assets please contact your Macmillan relationship holder. This may be your Macmillan Partnership Quality Lead, Partnership Manager or engagement lead. This individual will be able to provide you with the correct version of our logo for you to use, and advise you on any other aspects of our brand identity. For guidance on using the Macmillan logo in your professional email signature, please visit our Learning Hub.
If you are not a Macmillan professional we are able to provide a selection of standardised assets which can be used for fundraising and service promotion. Information on how to access and use these assets can be found in our online Design System Guidelines.
Please contact our Grants team via for all enquiries concerning the Macmillan Grants portal.
Please contact our Learning Hub support team via for all queries concerning the Macmillan Learning Hub.
Need further support?
Please email our order team for further assistance.