Planning ahead when living with cancer - England and Wales
Planning ahead when living with cancer - England and Wales

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Planning ahead when living with cancer - England and Wales

Planning ahead when living with cancer - England and Wales

SKU: MAC13616_E04_R
Regular price FREE
This booklet is about how you can plan ahead and make choices about your future care if you live in England or Wales. It discusses creating a Lasting Power of Attorney, completing a Preferred Priorities for Care document, and writing an Advance Decisions to Refuse Treatment. It also has information about making a will, organ and tissue donation, and funeral planning.

Keywords: MAC13616_E03_N, anticipatory care planning, advance care plan, making a will, advance directives, power of attorney, Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) organ donation, tissue donation, funeral planning, treatment decisions, mental capacity, incapacity
All items are free of charge.

Macmillan is a charity who does whatever it takes to support people living with cancer. This includes providing free material to support those who need information and those who are supporting us. If you would like to make an online donation to help cover our costs, please visit our online donations page.

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